Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bad Apple

I am weird with food. I can make a batch of something and eat it for days.  Then other times, I have an aversion to it.

Well, I made a batch of veggie egg muffins, and ate one yesterday.  Then this morning at work....it was the LAST thing I wanted for breakfast.  Just didn't sound good.

No problem, I thought.  I have an apple in the fridge.  So I washed it off, and as I was drying it, my finger went almost straight through the apple. It was so mushy.  Ick.  So no to the apple.

So here I am.  I had my 100 calorie Larabar mini for breakfast.  I know that won't cut it, so I may dig into my afternoon snack early.

But either way, I'm sticking with the foods I brought today.

I did well last night.  I DID have a little Skinnygirl Marg while I was watching DWTS (it's like 50 cals!), and I had an extra cup of coffee too (so a little creamer).  But I stayed away from the pie in the fridge....and I didn't binge while I was home alone for dinner.  #winning

I also hit my 10,000 steps yesterday.  Holla!

So goals today: stay on food plan (even with the bad apple), maybe take a walk at lunch, and get my two Zumba classes in tonight. Time to make it work!

1 comment:

  1. reading your thoughts is so encouraging. i, too, am making a conscious effort for the 1000th time because i have a whole tub of clothes that don't fit and i'm SO ready to enjoy them again! also, I feel better when i eat better and take care of myself by working out. glad to be on this journey with you as i, too, try to get my weight down!
